Jag har fått fler påskpresenter. Mormor och morfar skickade en bok och en fin tröja till mig. Boken är en Ingrid-bok som mamma och pappa har jagat på bokrean men inte fått tag på. Av mamma och pappa fick jag en stor legobox. Det visade sig att det var en djurpark där i. Apor, krokodil, en gunga, blommor, bananer och en zebra. Det är kul med Lego, men vissa moment behöver jag hjälp med.
I morse åkte vi till mammas jobb, för hon skulle fixa en grej. Först fick jag en egen skål med påskgodis. Mamma undrar om inte den blyga perioden är slut nu, för jag var riktigt kaxig där på universitetet. Jag letade upp en vaktmästaren som jag busade med och så sprang jag själv i den långa korridoren och hälsade på dom som satt i sina rum där.
Glad påsk önskar jag alla bloggläsare!
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There are plenty of wonderful lv handbag available for sale at a fraction of the cost of an original. Again, there's nothing wrong with packing around a replica louis vuitton handbags as long as you know it's a replica and have paid a replica price.
If you enjoy watching the Star fact sheets, you'll also enjoy watching which stars pack around which lv. It really is rather fun as the stars battle it out for the latest Louis Vuitton.
And then there are those who enjoy Louis Vuitton Speedy 25, and have found a louis vuitton handbags that is up to 30 years of age that is still in quality shape. This starts a retro Louis Vuitton fad very quickly, so keep your eyes open for those older Louis Vuitton bags as well.
Remember, in order to get the latest Louis Vuitton Speedy 25 you're going to have to order ahead of time. There is usually a waiting list, and you can often find these bags very inexpensively in the used market, and of course as a replica.
In order to know the latest fad when it comes to louis vuitton bags, you're going to want to watch the Star fact sheets. There are plenty of celebrity and Star magazines that are available that track who is carrying which Louis Vuitton, and of course, that louis vuitton trend as to what type of bag everyone else carries.
So if you enjoy staying up with the latest, keep an eye out on the stars and the type of purse or handbag they are carrying. If you can, shop for an original, if you're on a budget shop for used, and if you're even on more of a budget, check out the replica handbags.
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